Managing the Congress watch list with Nextcloud Tables
Submitted by blizzz
Being at the Congress or not (like me), there is a wealth of great talks and presentations happening, and in a number that is hard to remember. There is a need to manage something.
This year I try something new. Upload the Fahrplan into Nextcloud Tables, and have a view process related views for specific information and a good overview. Importing the schedule and keeping it in sync requires a custom script that then makes use of the Tables API.
And in this regard, creating the structure around the Table, the View, and adding as a Tables Application can be done while doing so as well.
Every follow-up run of the script will add, remove or update talks if a new Fahrplan version is available.
Now I have a process where I can evaluate talks to watch, then have the overview in a watch list and can post-process them (adding rating/annotation now or later) and have the log of watched talks as well.
The script fahrplan2tables is available on codeberg. If you like to use it, check the requirements in the Readme (currently is is needed to patch tables to avoid a bug that is fixed, yet unreleased).
What's left is watching the recordings now ;)
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