In Kazan? Me too, join my ownCloud talk!
Submitted by blizzz
Currently I am enjoying my summer vacation. Vacation is when you do non-stop activities that make fun, no matter whether this is more relaxing or challenging, and usually in a different place. So I am going to take the opportunity to visit Kazan, and furthermore I am taking the other opportunity and will give an ownCloud talk (btw, did you hear, ownCloud 7 was released?) at the local hackerspace, FOSS Labs. Due to my lack of Russian I will stick to English, however ;)
So, if you are there and interested in ownCloud please save the date:
Monday, July 28th, 18:00
Universitetskaya 22, of. 114
420111 Kazan, Russia
Thank you, FOSS Labs and especially Mansur Ziatdinov, for making this possible. I am very much excited to not only to share information with you, but also to learn and get to know local (FOSS) culture!
Picture: Kazan Kremlin, derived from Skyline of Kazan city by TY-214.
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