I am going to Nextcloud Conference
Submitted by blizzz
Woah, time has gone in a rush since my last update and a lot of things happened from that one. You could read a lot in the different techs news sites, and the articles include that i have joined forces with my former colleagues and long time friends to thrive Nextcloud. Since, we released Nextcloud 9 and 10, published Android and iOS clients and also have a themed desktop client. Around us is a vivid community of all sorts of contributors, we are working together on projects together with Collabora, Canonical and others, and commercially closed also the first deals: Cheers to our customers.
Next up is our Nextcloud Conference in Berlin in the main building of the TU Berin, from September 16th to 22nd. We are really glad and exciting to have found high profile keynote speakers for our event. Karen Sandler is executive director at the NGO Software Freedom Conservancy and Jane Silber comes as CEO of well-known Canonical, sponsor of Ubuntu. And still there will be further thrilling talks! On Friday we are focused on the usage of Nextcloud within an enterprise environment, while on Saturday and Sunday we will have mostly lightning talks and workshops after the keynotes. The days following are dedicated to hackathons and ad-hoc meetings.
If you like to meet me or any of the other contributors, you know where to find us! If you like to join please register, so our Dear Jos can organize enough food and drinks so that nobody needs to starve or becomes parched.
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